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Introduction to Joyful Kids Music

Hello. My name is Anita Perlau and I am the creator of a new music program for children, Joyful Kids Music. All of my training in music education along with thirty years of teaching children, have brought me to this moment.Joyful Kids Music is the culmination of my life’s work.

I truly believe that music is an essential part of our lives and in these unprecedented times, now more than ever we need to experience the joy that music brings. Although it might seem unlikely that one can teach music online, over the past few months, I have done just that. Admittedly, it is not the same as being together in person, but it is possible. We can still enjoy making music together! 

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, in person music classes at our schools and community settings have been greatly restricted, at least for now. However, with Joyful Kids Music, your child can experience the benefits of a music education from the comforts of your own home!